A Social Security disability application is a lot of work.  I just filed one for a client and I count about 36 pages of forms.  It literally takes me hours to prepare a new application for disability.

If you are filling out these application forms yourself, there are things you can do to give yourself a better chance of being approved.  Unfortunately, many people cheat themselves by taking shortcuts with their applications and this contributes to the high denial rate.

One thing you can do is to answer every question on every form.  Don't skip lines or sections.  Make sure that you provide complete names, addresses and phone numbers for each of your medical providers. If you don't, there's a good chance Social Security won't get all of your medical records and this puts you at a big disadvantage.

Also, spend some time with the Function Report.  The questions on that report may seem silly and unimportant, but people who take them seriously and answer them fully are more likely to be approved.

The same is true with the Work History Report.  On page 1, you will simply list all of your jobs, beginning with the most recent job first.  They want you to list your job title, not the name of your employer.  For example, you would list "shipping clerk," not XYZ Transport Co.  Next, each job will have its own page where you describe the job in detail.  This is important.  Many people get denied because they find these pages to be boring or they don't want to take time to look up all the details. 

Finally, ask your doctor to lend a hand.  Ask about getting a medical source statement from your doctor.  This is a form where the doctor gives an opinion about your ability to sit, stand, walk, bend, lift, etc.  It doesn't require a special examination or a trip to a specialist.  Social Security wants the opinion of your doctor.  When completed and signed by your doctor, be sure to fax the form to the Disability Determination Service (DDS) where your case is being evaluated.  Mark it to the attention of your disability specialist at DDS.  Blank medical source statement forms can be downloaded online--or call our office and ask for one.  They're free.

The Forsythe Firm
(256) 799-0297    (256) 431-1599 online

